Our Prices

50% advance payment and 50% when contract is closed by the partners. The prices include our air ticket, insurance, hotel, etc. Also, no commission payment is required. Contact our office for prices of each of the above services.

We also aim to work with WTO when Intellectual Property Rights are involved. We hope your company could be one of the foreign companies that will tap into this virgin investment area.

Horizontal Partnership means an alliance between your company and Africa local SMEs where both of you are competitors in similar products. Instead of being competitors you will team up to mutually improve your position in the market by increasing the local manufacturing capability. 

Vertical Partnership is a collaboration of foreign partner with Africa local SME in the same supply chain. One is the supplier, the other is a distributor. However, our service in vertical partnership is limited. Contact our office for more details.


Your Company name and website

Get in touch to discuss with us how we can best assist you.